is primarily a focal point for Linux users in the UK, and secondly a resource provider for Linux User Groups, enabling them to maintain a web presence.


This site was the original idea of Mark Lewis and it was created in 1997, when he registered the domain name and first offered free registrations to user groups. Although in recent times Mark has become busy with personal commitments, he still checks in with the community when his schedule permits.


  1. To provide an initial point for Linux users and non-users to search for LUGs in a specific area.

    The UK LUG list shows where groups currently are and how they can be contacted.

    LUGs are a local community of Linux users of all levels that gather to share a broad spectrum of Linux information. Both novice and experienced Linux users will find LUGs a useful arena to debate and enquire personal experiences of Linux and indeed, pose those questions they need answering.
  2. To provide resources to freely allow LUGMasters to setup their own local Linux User Group, with our aid, using the domain name.

How to start a LUG

Before you create a LUG, there are a number of things you should consider:

Once you’ve decided on a name and coverage area for your LUG, you should:

Other resources: